Balrog Release and Shirt Sale!

Balrog Release and Shirt Sale!

A note from Skinner!

Hey everybody,
I have an exciting shirt available for presale right now—the Balrog Shadow and Flame shirt!
As a fantasy freak who has always loved the monsters and creatures of Middle-earth, I’m thrilled to offer this design in three different options. The Balrog from the old Ralph Bakshi cartoon is my favorite version, so I created a piece inspired by it.
Please note that the pre-order is only open for two weeks, so make sure to get your orders in!
Also, I’ve made all shirts $20 (except the Chimera). There are a few classics left in rare colorways, so grab what you can because we’re clearing things out at the end of summer!
Thank you to everyone for the support as we head into the fall season! Soon, I’ll be releasing bottles and original paintings.
Shrine of Abominations is coming along nicely, and tooling on Realm Runners is going great with the factory!
Love and monsters,  